Sharing Time: 5 Best TED Talks about Time and More!

At Dovico, we are not all about time, we are also huge fans of TED talks. C’mon! It’s free education! Listening to what others have to say, then forming our own opinion and then sharing what we have learned is key to our success. The fact that 3 of our 31 staff members are TEDx alumni shows that we are pretty serious about continual learning and sharing our ideas with the world. We are also…

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Dovico Now Offers Staff a “Fur” ternity Leave!

There is no such thing as having a home life and work life, we have a life. Owning a pet can be a significant life enhancer. Those of us who own them, certainly recognize the benefits a pet can bring to our lives. From socializing to physical and mental health aids, pets bring so much more to our lives than just fur and purrs. There is no such thing as having a home life and…

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How To Get A Little Help From Friends

In business as in life, we all get by with a little from our friends. Every company that starts off is just like a friend attending a party of new friends for the first time. You are unsure how to navigate the room, who to talk to and where to start the conversation. If you are fortunate, you will find a familiar face in the crowd, and that is the person you can grab hold of…

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25 years of time well spent 

A Letter from Dovico Co-Founder Diane Doucet How time flies when you’re having fun!  From a startup in 1993 to a well-established company today, I’ve had the pleasure of being there for the ups and the downs, and all the curves along the way.    I had no clue back then what would become of Dovico or where it would bring us, but I’m happy to say that it’s a place where I feel like home…

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Own Your Happiness – Turning 50

When do you know the people around you speak words they don’t really understand? Meaning that they are giving lip service, but their actions do not represent their words. It’s at that moment you realize it: they are prejudice, they are hypocritical and they don’t like to see others prosper. I knew I didn’t want to be or do the same. But of course, some has rubbed off and I had become similar. Now approaching…

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Welcome to the “Get More Time” Blog Series page! This page will contain links to all of the upcoming posts in this series. We will add them here as they go up so that you can find them quickly and easily. The series will begin on Monday, October 2nd, 2017. This journey will take you through 14 topics along with an activity or action item to help you discover ways to get more time to…

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You can’t fill up a bottle of water if the cap is on

My three promises to you…. I promise that I will keep listening to what our clients and prospective clients are saying about our culture and our products. I once heard a great quote: “You can’t fill up a bottle of water if the cap is on.” I promise that I will make every effort to help our clients get back to work and find new ways of making our products easier and more fun to use so that…

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