Who Is On Your List?

‘Get More Time’ Series #2 https://vimeo.com/236812256Dovico CEO, Yves Doucet, talks about Who and What could be potential distractions What can you live without? What can’t you live without? Who can you live without? Who can’t you live without? These are the great balancing acts between our happiness and our distraction. We are pulled in so many directions in a day that we lose sight of our priorities and we begin to use our time inefficiently….

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I Have No More Time

Get More Time Series #1 We trick ourselves into believing that having more is better. More space, more money, more things and more time! Our lives are a limitless hierarchy of perpetual gatherings. The more money we get the more things we can buy, the more space we can acquire. We work hard every day just to keep what we have and if we catch a break, we will get more than we will ever need. Problem…

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Welcome to the “Get More Time” Blog Series page! This page will contain links to all of the upcoming posts in this series. We will add them here as they go up so that you can find them quickly and easily. The series will begin on Monday, October 2nd, 2017. This journey will take you through 14 topics along with an activity or action item to help you discover ways to get more time to…

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Addictions and Habits

We are all addicted. Some of us are addicted to being neat, some it’s to making sure people do as they are told (micro managers), some are addicted to perfection, some are addicted to imperfection and some to drugs, smoking, eating and drinking. We all have addictions which are really our habits. We are actually addicted to the habit, it’s what feels normal, what feels comfortable and every time we do it our body produces…

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