Vacation time is near! That declaration either puts you in wild jubilation in anticipating those lazy days of camping or sitting by the lake-shore at the cottage. Or, the thought of vacation tracking and handling the requests from your staff puts you into an immediate anxious state. It shouldn’t be that way.
Perhaps you are a manager in charge of jockeying all of your staff’s vacation request for the summer. Maybe you are just the one designated as the goto time-off “gatekeeper.” Either way, trying to pencil everyone’s vacation leave during the summer months can be a tricky balancing act. On the one hand, you want to make sure you can accommodate everyone’s time off request, but on the other, you have a business to run and projects to complete.
The problem with vacation tracking
If you are like most vacation gatekeepers, you have a trusty calendar hanging somewhere in your office with ink blots and marker trails marking who is on vacation and when. You also end up spending time sending and resending emails back and forth with staff, trying to broker the right time for them to take their time off.
On top of all that, unless they open the conversation among themselves, nobody in the office knows who is off and when. You could post your handy calendar outside your office door, but really, there has to be a better solution than a marked-up glossy paper calendar and email trails.
Who has what left?
Even if you are OK with that paper relic from the past, what that calendar cannot do is keep track of how many leave and vacation days have been taken by each staff member. More importantly, how many days they have left.
You could have a pretty spreadsheet containing all of those numbers, and you could even share it with your staff, but keeping that up-to-date every day is a pain you don’t need to have. You need something a little more connected and current.
There’s an app for that!
Dovico’s Time-Off App is a one-stop-shop for all your vacation and personal leave management problems. If you can use a calendar, you can use the Time-Off App.

On one easy-to-use screen, your staff can log into the app to request time-off, see who is taking time off and see how many days they have left. Administrators can manage leave days by adding and subtracting them, and they too can see who is taking time off and when.
Have a better plan for your leave requests
With the Dovico Time-Off App, you don’t just have to track vacation leave. Track everything from sick days to stat holidays and personal days. Whatever leave days are available in your company can be easily added to the app.
What’s best of all is that Dovico Time-Off App is free for all Dovico Timesheet and Premium level accounts. So if you’re already a Dovico Timesheet or Premium user, what are you waiting for? Sign up for the Dovico Time-Off App today!
Gain confidence that your staff’s leave requests are handled promptly and securely accounted for using the Dovico Time-Off App. Not only will you save time, but vacation season will once again be a joy.
Otherwise, go back to flipping that paper vacation tracking calendar of doom hanging on your wall and playing the vacation request email game with your employees.
There is a better way!
For growing businesses looking for a better way to track employee time and activity.