
  Carl has been sharing his story via videos on Facebook since last year’s #BellLetsTalk initiative. He hopes that by sharing his story, he could help someone who is struggling or who are affected by someone with a mental health illness. We hope to bring awareness by spreading his message today. Thank you, Carl!  Hope is All You Need It’s that time of year again. Bell will donate 5 cents for every text, call, tweet,…

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An Introduction to WebAssembly

The concept behind WebAssembly isn’t new and is based on work that was pioneered by Mozilla (asm.js) and Google (Native Client — NaCl and Portable Native Client — PNaCl). One of WebAssembly’s main goals is parity with asm.js so I’ll give you a little background on that before we start digging into WebAssembly. When I first heard of asm.js a few years ago I was excited. The ability to write code in C/C++ and have it compiled down…

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The Perils of Deleting

If you are thinking of deleting employees, projects, tasks from your Dovico database — DON’T. I think the problem started with Windows 95; When Microsoft popularized the Recycle bin. When the definition of ‘delete’ was corrupted so that ‘delete’ doesn’t mean delete any more. I believe Apple actually invented the Recycle bin (Trash). Now, this may be somewhat of a shocker but we’ve been too busy developing new stuff to create a Recycle bin. Delete means delete…

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WebAssembly – WasmFiddle and Inline WebAssembly Modules

WasmFiddle JSFiddle, and tools like it, allow you to test code in the browser to see how it will work instead of having to write an application just to test something. Another advantage of tools like this is that you can share your example code on sites like Stack Overflow. It turns out that there is a similar tool for WebAssembly called WasmFiddle: https://wasdk.github.io/WasmFiddle If we replace the code that is in the top-left pane…

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Your Guide to Get More Time in 2018

The secrets to your best year yet! The most significant equalizer in life is that each of us has the same amount of seconds in our minutes, minutes in our hours and hours in our days; no more and no less. Getting more time is impossible. However, you can be more efficient with your time bank. It all comes down to how efficiently you choose to use your 24 hours that determine just how productive and…

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Own Your Happiness – Turning 50

When do you know the people around you speak words they don’t really understand? Meaning that they are giving lip service, but their actions do not represent their words. It’s at that moment you realize it: they are prejudice, they are hypocritical and they don’t like to see others prosper. I knew I didn’t want to be or do the same. But of course, some has rubbed off and I had become similar. Now approaching…

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GET MORE TIME SERIES #14: Follow Your Heart

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future.” – Steve Jobs We are all victims of not living in the present from time to time. We waste so much of our days stuck in the past holding grudges, blaming others or playing the victim. We waste so much time in the future riddled with anxiety…

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Why do we abuse ourselves by doing things that do not feed us? Why do we allow others to influence us into doing things that we just don’t wanna do? We waste so much of our lives living a life that is not ours, doing things that aren’t us. We have all had them, the infamous “bosshole”. You know, that boss who expects you to do everything at any time and done to perfection. Perhaps they bully…

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GET MORE TIME SERIES #12: Automaticity Rules!

“Automaticity is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is usually the result of learning, repetition, and practice” – Wikipedia Automaticity saves energy because it does not require the use of your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain that consumes 25% of your total energy. So putting things that do not serve you on automatic will save you…

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Two Is Better Than One

Get More Time Series #11 We often waste a lot of our time doing things that could be combined. Instead of driving to work; take public transit and read. Instead of scheduling a morning meeting; have a lunch meeting instead. Have you ever considered a standing desk? You get the benefits of a workout while doing your work! Our time is often wasted by our inefficiencies during the day. Getting into the mindful habit of…

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