Longevity Is Tied to Innovation

While many of the reasons why small business drops off as the years move on could be attributed to buy-outs, financial hardships or CEO’s moving on to other adventures; one of the reasons is lack of innovation.

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I Went To Jail, But I kept my job!

It all started with a little card; “Get Out Of Jail Free.” We all want to live consequence free. Imagine a world where you could speak your mind, share your ideas and just be yourself. Can you imagine a workplace where everyone came to work to put in their full effort for the good of the company and not worried about their egos and livelihoods? Children often live in a consequence-free state, their imaginations are…

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How To Get A Little Help From Friends

In business as in life, we all get by with a little from our friends. Every company that starts off is just like a friend attending a party of new friends for the first time. You are unsure how to navigate the room, who to talk to and where to start the conversation. If you are fortunate, you will find a familiar face in the crowd, and that is the person you can grab hold of…

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Corporate transparency makes ‘cents’

It was my first day on the job; I was nervous and excited. What would the day bring? Did I make the right decision? There is no turning back now! Let’s do this! I stood in for my first ever Monday morning staff meeting at my new company. I was greeted with smiles and introduced to the rest of the staff. I was beginning to feel comfortable. It just happened to be the first Monday…

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Give Eating More Meaning

Let’s face it; when we are feeling run down or sick, it usually comes on the heels of not eating properly. Either eating unhealthy foods or not eating enough by skipping meals are the main culprits of a body depleted of its nutrients. In the history of modern civilization, we have never had more food available to us. We are eating more than ever before, yet, we’re starved. Our bodies are screaming at us to…

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25 years of time well spent 

A Letter from Dovico Co-Founder Diane Doucet How time flies when you’re having fun!  From a startup in 1993 to a well-established company today, I’ve had the pleasure of being there for the ups and the downs, and all the curves along the way.    I had no clue back then what would become of Dovico or where it would bring us, but I’m happy to say that it’s a place where I feel like home…

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  Carl has been sharing his story via videos on Facebook since last year’s #BellLetsTalk initiative. He hopes that by sharing his story, he could help someone who is struggling or who are affected by someone with a mental health illness. We hope to bring awareness by spreading his message today. Thank you, Carl!  Hope is All You Need It’s that time of year again. Bell will donate 5 cents for every text, call, tweet,…

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Own Your Happiness – Turning 50

When do you know the people around you speak words they don’t really understand? Meaning that they are giving lip service, but their actions do not represent their words. It’s at that moment you realize it: they are prejudice, they are hypocritical and they don’t like to see others prosper. I knew I didn’t want to be or do the same. But of course, some has rubbed off and I had become similar. Now approaching…

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You can’t fill up a bottle of water if the cap is on

My three promises to you…. I promise that I will keep listening to what our clients and prospective clients are saying about our culture and our products. I once heard a great quote: “You can’t fill up a bottle of water if the cap is on.” I promise that I will make every effort to help our clients get back to work and find new ways of making our products easier and more fun to use so that…

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