Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for October 2020

Enjoying your pumpkin spice yet? Or are you sick of it already? Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian clients, be safe and enjoy your time with friends and family. Just recently (October 6th,2020), we released a pretty big update of our admin screens. Now, from head to toe, Dovico Timesheet has the same look and feel. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the changes we made, please contact us as…

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What Dates Are Public Holidays in 2021?

Whatever way you look at it, 2020 was a very memorable year, and so, we are now looking forward to a new start to a new year. Project planning for the new year requires working in and around holidays. Here’s a list of important observed public holidays for 2021. United States Public Holidays New Years Day – Friday, January 1st, 2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- Monday, January 18th, 2021 Inauguration Day – Wednesday, January…

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Dovico Update: Administration Screens Get a Makeover

Heads up!! We’ve got some refreshing changes coming your way in Dovico Timesheet. After the big update on October 6th, 2020, every screen in Timesheet will have the same look and feel. Now, finding and changing administration settings will be easier and more cohesive. With 20+ administration views being changed, the following are a highlight of the screens that are being updated: Time & Expense Approvals Manage Reports Manage Job Scheduler Bulk Time Move Custom…

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Project Management 101: What is the Iron Triangle?

In project management, there’s a model called the project management triangle or iron triangle. To achieve quality with a project, project managers are constantly balancing scope, time and costs. These three constraints of a project make up the three corners, or sides of the triangle. Quality is at the center, and when one side is longer than the other, the symmetry of the triangle is disturbed, and thus quality is threatened. The three sides of…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for September 2020

Ahh, the seasonal winds of change are here. The kids are back in school (finally) and the smells of autumn are all around us -pumpkin spice anyone? Finally, the leaves are changing into their beautful autumn coats and so are we. At Dovico, we’ve kept busy maintaining our world-class timesheet system, and soon, we’ll be releasing some visual updates to some of the admin screens that you use. Stay tuned for a preview! All of…

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The Pomodoro Technique: How to Manage Your Work Time and Flow the Easy Way

How you spend your time determines the value that you place on it. We are all managers of time, and yet time often manages us. We want to do better, but coming up with a routine time management technique can be challenging. If you’re looking for a more efficient way to utilize your time during the workday, the simple Pomodoro Technique may become your new best friend. What is the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for August 2020

Where is the summer going? We are on the doorstep to September already! Time sure flies by when you’re having fun in the sun. All of us here at Dovico hope you’ve had a meaningful break over these past few weeks and that you are staying safe and healthy during these “fun” times. All of our support channels: Chat, email or phone are ready for you on our regular office hours if you need some…

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From Dinosaur to AI: The History of Time Cards

One of the first experiences with time cards I ever had was watching the intro of The Flintstones. Fred waits for the boss to blow the whistle to signal the end of the working day. He excitedly hops into his car. And before he leaves the quarry, grabs a stone time card for an awaiting dinosaur who promptly chomps his tooth marks into it. Fred is a free man! It’s time to enjoy life outside…

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4 Reasons Why Employees Avoid Their Timesheets and How You Can Get Them Back

It’s one thing to have the right tool for the job; however, if nobody is using it, how legitimately good is it? Time tracking for billing is a no-brainer if you want to bill your clients accurately and confidently. It is not a complicated task, but to those who are most vital to this process, they may think otherwise. Here’s why employees may be avoiding their timesheet, and what you can do to help get…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for June 2020

Summer is almost here! It’s time to think of socially distanced vacations or staycations depending on where in the world you are. As the days get longer, and the vitamin D floats around our bodies, we are starting to feel a little hopeful that this “new norm” is going to turn out all right. You are alright. You got this! All of our support channels: Chat, email or phone are ready for you on our…

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