Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for January 2021

Happy New Year! 2021 is upon us and if you feel anything like we do, it couldn’t have come sooner. After a very challenging 2020, a new year is just the thing to start anew. Please stay safe, and healthy as we look forward to the future! All of our support channels: Chat, email or phone are ready for you during our regular office hours if you need some Dovico love. Click here for ways…

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Small Business Survival: How Organizing Your Time Is Vital to Your Growth

Cultivating a workplace that values organizing your time is essential. By maximizing productivity in their available time, small businesses can expedite their expansion efforts. And for that, you need to prioritize organizing your time and improve your time management skills. Strong time management allows you to strategically divide the time you spend on a task while prioritizing other tasks. Moreover, you get to control the amount of time you spend on a project.  Implementing a…

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The 5 W’s of Tracking Time: What You Should Think About Before Choosing A Timesheet System

Keeping track of your employees’ progress is essential for the growth of your business. Without that, you won’t know whether your employees are productive or have too much workload. The solution to this problem is Timesheets, a popularly used time management software. But just as important it is to use Timesheet is, so is finding the right Timesheet system. If you select the wrong Timesheet, the chances of errors, late, and inaccurate invoices increases. Moreover,…

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7 Efficient Methods of Recouping Lost Time at Work

It doesn’t matter how hard you wish for it; you can’t put a ‘stop’ on time. You’ll experience days where you feel like nothing is getting done at the workplace, aka you’re wasting time. An extensive survey by Forbes shows that about 89% of respondents wrote that they waste time daily.  Thus, it would help if you had proper scheduling to ensure you don’t waste time at work. That’s why here we’ve compiled a list…

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Project Management Juggling: 12 Ways to Better Organize Your Time Between Projects In Multiple Departments

Being a project manager means you have to juggle multiple projects at one time. Your day starts with meeting with clients, team management, and ensuring you meet deadlines. Not only is this anxiety-inducing, but it can become near impossible to focus on any of the tasks properly let alone organize your time between projects.  Forecast’s in-depth survey shows how, on average, project management professionals have at least 18 projects running at the same. Moreover, businesses…

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5 Ways Small Businesses Save Time by Using a Timesheet

We’ve all heard that ‘time is money.’ But when talking about businesses, time can mean the thin line between profit and loss, especially if you’re a small business. An in-depth survey shows how 49% of US employees admitted to time theft. And without a proper timekeeping infrastructure, your organization won’t be able to track employees’ time. Additionally, it can also be the underlying issue behind a decrease in productivity. Extensive research shows how daily time…

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Are You Bad At Time Keeping? 7 Easy Ways to Conquer the Battle of the Clock

When it comes to achieving your daily tasks, 24 hours seem less than adequate. Don’t you sometimes wish you could slow-down time?  Unfortunately, that’s not possible. However, an alternative to this is mastering the art of timekeeping. Create your new and efficient schedule by following the points below: Run a Time Audit Running a time audit is the best way to increase time management. When you create a sufficient time audit, you get to follow…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for December 2020

2020 IS ALMOST OVER!! There are so many good reasons for this time of the year, and this year it seems like there are so many more. While this has been a very unexpectedly challenging year, we’re getting through this together. The end is in sight. Everyone here at Dovico wishes you stay a safe, healthy and warm holiday season! May all the best be headed your way in the New Year! All of our…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for November 2020

Fall is now in full swing, and we are about to enter the holiday season. With all the challenges that 2020 has brought us, we are due for some holiday cheer. All of our support channels: Chat, email or phone are ready for you during our regular office hours if you need some Dovico love. Click here for ways to reach out. What have we’ve been up to? Here’s a list of updates and fixes…

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Time Keeping Methodology: Which Method Is Right for You?

If you’re in the business of selling time, time tracking software is a no-brainer tool to have. When it’s time to bill your clients for your efforts, collecting and calculating that time shouldn’t be an added pain. It’s essential to have a time management process in place and then match that to your timesheet software. If you’re looking for a place to start, here are some standard time-tracking methods. How do companies track employee time…

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