How Does Diversity Make Your Team More Innovative?

Even in this 21st century, many people are bogged down by the age-old belief that only a specific segment of society can prove efficient and effective in the workplace. However, many modern companies are trying to disprove this notion by bringing diversity to their team.  Take, for instance, Alibaba Group, the biggest e-commerce company in the world that not only serves millions of users but also hosts numerous merchants. In 2017, online transactions from its…

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The Ultimate Guide to Employee Workload Management at the Workplace

Delegating work to team members in a way that does not overburden them is not an easy task. As a leader, you not only have to keep your team members focused on their job but also ensure that they are maintaining their productivity and timely delivery. To make this possible, you must divide your team’s workload fairly. Otherwise, your overworked high performers will start harbouring resentment in their minds about doing extra, and you will…

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Why Goofing Off at Work Isn’t All Bad

Getting wrapped up in your work is so much easier now that you’re settled in, working at home. While great for productivity, it’s not all that great for your health. Now, missing those impromptu distractions that you had at the office, you find yourself a little burned out. In this article, I’ll give you some permission to “goof off” a little to boost productivity and energy levels. Every business organization has its share of employees…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for June 2021

Getting excited for summer yet? Things are opening up, and so is the nice weather! I don’t know about you, but I am grateful for the heat. What have we’ve been up to? Here’s a list of updates and fixes to Dovico Timesheet that we’ve released in June 2021: Fix – Backdating an Employee’s Billing Rate in the Team section of the Project Creation/Edit screen properly backdates on the Employees who belong to that project….

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How Strong is the “Glue” That Holds Your Team Together?

A colleague of mine asked me this question a couple of days ago and it made me stop and think – what does it take to create a strong cohesive team? Is it the strength of the leader who can successfully motivate the members? Perhaps it’s the fact that a select few share a common goal and work together to solve any and all problems to reach a final conclusion? Or does a great team…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for May 2021

Summer is almost here! Things are starting to get back to some sort of normalcy, and you can feel the excitement in the air. We’re excited and grateful at Dovico to see the seasons change and the energy change for the good. What have we’ve been up to? Here’s a list of updates and fixes to Dovico Timesheet that we’ve released in May 2021: Fix – Users who dismiss Project Alerts no longer receive an…

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How to Rev Up the Engine’s of an Unmotivated Team

Let me set the scenario for you. The ‘cream of the crop’ of your employees is all gathered in your boardroom for the sixth team meeting. As you gaze around the table you notice that two of them are almost nodding off, one is frantically typing notes on their laptop, while another is staring out the window, thoughts totally lost in space. The remainder of the group looks as if root canal surgery is imminent…

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Peering Through the Looking Glass: Salary Transparency – Is It For You?

It is every business owner’s dream to have a company that runs smoother than creamy peanut butter on hot toast. It is crucial to try and hire the best and brightest and keep those knowledgeable employees happy, but let’s get realistic here for a moment and take a closer look at something that is becoming an issue within many organizations and that is… salary transparency. Today I’d like to talk about this sometimes controversial aspect…

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Knowledge Worker: The New Breed of Employees

We’re now into an age of hiring what we like to call a new ‘breed’ of employees, specifically called ‘knowledge workers. Way back in 1959, management expert Peter Drucker coined this phrase to describe people whose main skillset was to ‘think for a living rather than wait to be told what to do and when to do it. They’re highly independent, confident in their abilities to do their job well, and need little supervision in…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for April 2021

The tulips are here! Spring has sprung and there is more energy in the air… and allergens. Isn’t sneezing with a mask on fun? We hope you have an exciting month ahead, April is a month of fresh beginnings. What have we’ve been up to? Here’s a list of updates and fixes to Dovico Timesheet that we’ve released in April 2021: Fix – Multiple choice Custom Fields no longer breaks the Expense Entry view when…

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