Engage Employees Faster by Removing the Barriers to Courage

Have you put yourself in the shoes of your most disengaged employees? If you did, you would likely see that they’re not challenging themselves at a personal level. What are the barriers that are preventing them from being their best, most courageous selves? Offering a company benefit that removes barriers to courage could be the key to re-engaging employees. If you had no barriers holding you back from doing something you’ve always wanted to do,…

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How to Create Amazing Company Culture by Watching Ants

Ants are fascinating creatures. What I’m about to propose may make you itch and squirm a little in your chair, but I hope it’s because you are itching and squirming your way to make a change in your company culture! I’m sorry in advance if this blog post makes you feel uncomfortable, but here is what ants teach us about amazing company culture. According to a recent report, 1 in 3 (28%) of executives report…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for October 2019

Ahh, October! Many people love this time of year. The trees are looking beautiful, the temperature outdoors is crisp, yet still comfortable. While it may be getting darker earlier in the day, we can always find beauty in the daylight. Autumn really is the seasonal treat for all five senses. We’re continually improving our software to bring you the best experience possible. Here’s a list of updates and fixes we’ve released in October 2019: Fixed…

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Tent City Security: Growth is Impossible When Safety is Removed

Moncton, the city where Dovico calls home is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. With rising health care and housing costs, and social isolation, the numbers of those living outside in tents or inside at shelters is rising. How can our company grow, if the security of our community is clearly at risk? Unlike many of our other blog posts, this one doesn’t have anything to do with what we sell. It isn’t a…

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Employee Spotlight: Who’s J-D Thibodeau?

Who’s J-D Thibodeau? Well, let’s start with his name. His real name is Jean-Daniel Thibodeau. To some, his name can be quite a mouthful to say. But once you get it down, it flows so very well. And that’s J-D! His easy-going and accommodating nature flows so well for our clients and our team as a whole. When you give Dovico Support a call, drop an email, or send a quick online chat, it will…

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How Paid Time Off Brings Meaning Back to Work

Giving time meaning means to fully understand the impact of what you are doing in the present moment. When you don’t see the impact you’re making, time becomes expendable. Sometimes, you need a break to bring yourself back into that moment. Having paid time off from work certainly goes a long way in helping reconnect your impact with time. TAKEAWAYS Making time meaningful for employees means helping them achieve balance. In 2017, 40% of workers…

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Dovico Timesheet Updates & Fixes for September 2019

There is just something magical about the air in September. The weather is fantastic, there are new beginnings all around with school back in session and things just seem to fall into place after a summer of fun and hopefully some relaxation. We’re continually improving our software to bring you the best experience possible. Here’s a list of updates and fixes we’ve released in September 2019: Fixed (version 14): The proper error message will now…

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Organizational Psychology 101: The 6 Traits of Dynamic Company Culture

Your job is more than just a place to make money. You put time into your work, hoping that at some time, your efforts will make a meaningful impact. To make time at work meaningful, your community at work has to feel right. Organizational psychology has to be a priority and a commitment to the six traits of dynamic company culture. Key takeaways: 71% of employees are not engaged in their work. Bad company culture…

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Adapt to Change: Help Your Team with Resource Allocation

Your business can either live to change or change to live. You always have the choice over how you approach change, but you don’t have the choice to change. Transitions are still going to happen and learning how to adapt to change is crucial to long term success.  Gaining the ability to adapt to change in a business environment comes from preparation and knowledge. Having tools in place that give you a better picture of…

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Employee Spotlight: Who’s Gerard Gallant?

Who’s Gerard Gallant? If I were asked to describe Gerard in one word, it would be “conviction.” I wanted to ensure that I was thinking of the right word so I searched for the definition of conviction, and it felt right. But by Google’s standards, the word “conviction” is outdated, so I searched for synonyms. The words that I found matched Gerard to a tee: confident, faith and principle. Gerard, our software architect and senior…

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