Carl has been sharing his story via videos on Facebook since last year’s #BellLetsTalk initiative. He hopes that by sharing his story, he could help someone who is struggling or who are affected by someone with a mental health illness. We hope to bring awareness by spreading his message today. Thank you, Carl!

 Hope is All You Need

It’s that time of year again. Bell will donate 5 cents for every text, call, tweet, Instagram post, Facebook video view and Snapchat geo filter towards mental health initiatives. It’s been a year since I’ve tried to keep the conversation going on my Facebook wall. The keys to overcoming the battle with mental illness are to talk about it. The more something is talked about, the more it becomes a commonplace.

Can the topic of dealing with suicide become a commonplace? There are people out there walking around with no hope. I was once one of those people. I lost all hope and the only way I could think to fix it was to take my own life. How weird is it that we as humans can get to a point where we no longer have the will to live.

There are so many reasons why someone would want to commit suicide. We become overcome with grief, a death in the family, money issues, guilt, addiction, stress. These pressures of life can take the hope out of anyone. Suicide can happen to the rich, poor, old or young. Do not be fooled; suicide can come knocking on anyone’s door at any time.

We must be strong as a community and look out for one another making sure that we all have the hope it requires to press on in life. When faced with suicide hope is all that a person has left. Your personal belongings or money is not going to save you. Hope is going to save you. Hope for a better minute, hour or days.

The way that you can open the door for hope is to tell someone. Make sure you ask for help. Don’t let your hope slip away.

Carl Chase, account executive
aka “SuperCarl” at, Give Time Meaning


About the Author

For 30 years, Dovico has been providing time tracking and timesheet software for clients worldwide. Manage your projects and teams, capture time and generate reports.

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